A tale of 2 books

Once upon a time in a land far away, a lady named Naura Hayden published a book.

It was called Astro-Logical Love and it was published in 1982.

The first print run is estimated to have been 5000 books.

It sold around 2000 copies.

The rest were sold off to discount stores who sold the remainder at 99 cents.

A New York publisher found the book, read it, and thought it was interesting.

He bought the rights to the book.

He didn't change one word inside.

But he did change the front cover.

And he did change the title.

The title was changed from ‘Astro-Logical Love’ to ‘How To Satisfy A Woman Every Time’.

Astro-Logical love sold around 2000 copies.

How To Satisfy A Woman has sold over 2.7 million copies.

2,700,000+ copies sold.

Both books are the same inside.

Once you have your book written...
...the marketing begins.

You can have the next best-seller on your hands, but unless you sell it, it’s just words.

You need to have everything right.

The Title.

The Cover Design. (as shown above)

Typesetting for eBook and paper versions.

Listing on Amazon.

Good Blurb.

Amazon A+ Content.

Availability in eBook, Paperback, Large Print, Hardback, and Audio.

Good Copywriting.

A Marketing Strategy.



Social Media Posts.

Social Media Advertising.

An Author Web Page

 Once you publish, you’re no longer an author – you’re now a publisher.

...and publishing is a business.